Computer Graphics Projects
3D Model Rendering Download Link
Implemented 3D Graphics Pipeline to render 3D models, knowledge includes:
Programmed the above concept from scratch based on the mathematical principles.
No other OpenGL function calls except glBegin(GL_POINTS)
Programming Languages: C++, OpenGL

Height Field Construction by Grayscale Level Download Link
Given a 2D image, constructed a 3D height field. The height value for each pixel is its grayscale level.
You can scale, translate and rotate the height field with different axes(X, Y, Z)
You can also select the render mode(points, lines, triangles)
Programming Languages: C++, OpenGL

Roller Coaster Simulator Download Link
Created a roller coaster track using Catmull-Rom Splines
Implemented a first-person view camera system to follow the roller coaster as if users are riding it
The roller coaster speed follows the physics law
Programming Languages: C++, OpenGL

Ray Caster Download Link
Implemented a ray caster to illuminate 3D objects and render shadows
Shot light rays to the view plane and calculated color for each pixel
Programming Languages: C++, OpenGL